Program of the 40th manifestation “Visegrad path”


Tuesday, 27th June
12:00 am – Bringing the flowers on the monument to Iva Andric, near the bridge on the Drina
06:00 pm – Exhibition of paintings from the International Fine Arts Assembly (City Gallery)
08:00 pm – Grand academy and opening of the “Visegrad path” (Byzantine Square-Andrictown)

Wednesday, 28th June
09:00 am – Holy Liturgy  (The Church of The Holy Emperor Lazar and all Serbian martyrs – Andrictown)
11:00 am – Municipal House Consecration
04:00 pm – Rendering the monument to Mehmed – pasha Sokolovic (the street ” Druga podrinjska brigada”)
05:00 pm – Opening of the Book Fair  (Andrictown)
09:30 pm – Theater play “Prah” – Natasa Ninkovic and Zoran Cvijanovic
10:30 pm – Concert “Bajaga i Instruktori”

Thursday, 29th June
11:00 am – Promotion of the edition of “SPKD Prosvjeta” (Cultural Center)
01:00 pm- Promotion of literary magazines “SPKD Prosvjeta” (Andrictown)
06:00 pm – Poetry Evening of the Association of Lovers of the Written Word “Most” (Bikavac)
08:00 pm – Literary Evening (the bridge on the Drina)
09:00 pm – Evening with Milan Gutovic (Byzantine Square – Andrictown)

Friday, 30th June
06:00 pm – Promotion of the book “The Secret of the Red Trap” by Vule Zuric, the winner of the Andric Prize (Memorial Classroom of Ivo Andric – Cultural Center)
07:00 pm – Promoting the “Tragic of Petar Kocic” by Dr. Milorad Djokovic, the winner of the best feuilleton award (Memorial Classroom of Ivo Andric – Cultural Center)

Saturday, 1th July
08:00 pm – Concert of the Tamburitza Orchestra from Banja Luka – Closing the event…