Visegrad Spa

Višegrad Spa is located at 5 km from Visegrad. It is surrounded by thick pine forest at the altitude of 414 m. Because of this altitude and of natural environment it has the characteristics of the health resort .Thermal waters of Visegrad spa consist characteristic radioactive carbonates, with the temperature of 34ºс. The main healthy characteristic exist because of its radioactivity, with the main element radon and the products of its disintegration process. Višegrad spa is the first listed spa by the level of its radioactivity in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is rated as the second one in ex-Yugoslavia. The level of radiation is optimal for medical therapies, and there is no space of eventual accumulation of radioactivity or even side effects. Radon is capable of diminishing pain, increasing the resilience of body; make a positive impact on some endocrine glands, respiratory and allergic deceases. Water of Višegrad spa is used for the prevention and curing of all age groups.
The water is used for treatment of rheumatic diseases, neurological disorders, orthopaedic disorders and deformities, gynaecologic diseases, diseases of respiratory organs, geriatric diseases.

Rehabilitation centre and hotel “Vilina vlas”

The prominent leader in tourism development in Visegrad spa, is the hotel and a rehabilitation centre „Vilina Vlas“. It is located nearby the pine forest. That is a 3 stars Hotel, with 160 beds on disposal, and two restaurants with the total capacity of 370 seats. There is also an indoor pool with thermal water and well equipped medical block where various baths, electro-therapies, paraffin, water massages and other treatments are offered.
You can find out more about Visegrad spa on the official website of the hotel Vilina Vlas here.

Hamam ( Turkish bath) in Višegrad spa

It is located close to the hotel „Vilina Vlas“. The story of the opening of this bath is very interesting. The Turkish bath was opened in the year of construction of the famous Bridge on the Drina, in 1575. The stones used for the construction of the bridge were brought from quarries in the area of today’s Višegrad Spa. During the excavation of stones, the workers had discovered the spring of mineral water, and also that the wounds they got during the work were healing much quicker than usual. This healing characteristic was considered to come from the mineral water where they took baths, and then it was decided to construct baths in the place. The baths are today still in use, and can be rented for an hour. The reservations for the baths can be taken at the Hotel „Vilina Vlas“.

The church of St. Jovan

It is located in Višegrad Spa, 1 km from the hotel “Vilina Vlas“. In the past the church was entirely built of wood. The shape was of the single-nave basilica and without frescoes. The area itself where the church is located is also very interesting. We speak of the flat piece of land in hilly area, surrounded with big pine forest. The space around the church is made to be a picnic area (with benches and tables, drinking water and toilet), and mainly people from Višegrad come here, but also the guests that are staying at Visegrad Spa.