Placement of tourist houses for sellers of souvenirs started


In Visegrad,starts the placement of 19 tourist houses for souvenir sellers. It was financed by the Tourist Organization of Visegrad with the support of the municipality ,with the aim of creating a beautiful town image and attracting the attention of tourists.
The Director of Tourist Organization, Olivera Todorovic said that by now all sales facilities for tourist souvenirs were unregulated, which violated the image of Visegrad as a beautifully decorated town.
She added that in this way, all sales facilities in Visegrad will be identical, that customers will go on a single route, and sellers will have an equal position.
This will, as Todorovic emphasizes, contribute to the city’s beautiful appearance.
Also, in this way, the tourist organization will enable sellers to sell their products in nicely decorated houses, where they will be protected from weather conditions, and they will be able to keep the products in the facilities.
She said that the tourist houses will be placed in two locations, in the Street “Druga podrinjska brigada” , on the promenade from the bridge to the Andrictown, and on the main Square “Trg palih boraca. ”
“All registered souvenir vendors may apply to the Department of Physical Planning , Housing and Communal Services to apply for a tourist cottage. The division will take place by drawing numbers to ensure transparency “, added Todorovic.
The Mayor of Visegrad, Mladen Djurevic, said that the Municipal Assembly of Visegrad had made a decision on the plan for using public spaces, including the installation of houses for sale of souvenirs.
“That decision determined two locations in the lower part of the town “, said Djurevic .With the users of the services, contracts will be concluded, where the obligations and conditions for the use of the houses will be defined, and the souvenir sellers will only pay the placard